Bitcore BTX Mining Electricity
Posted by admin- in Home -11/12/17BitCore - Claim your free Hybird Fork Coins and join our weekly Airdrop. Live Bitcore prices from all markets and BTX coin market Capitalization. Stay up to date with the latest Bitcore price movements and forum discussion. Check out our.
Like everyone involved in cryptocurrency I know that Bitcoin and other coins are produced through mining: Bitcoin mining is the process by which transactions are verified and added to the public ledger, known as the block chain, and also the means through which new bitcoin are released. Anyone with access to the internet and suitable hardware can participate in mining. The mining process involves compiling recent transactions into blocks and trying to solve a computationally difficult puzzle. The participant who first solves the puzzle gets to place the next block on the block chain and claim the rewards. The rewards, which incentivize mining, are both the transaction fees associated with the transactions compiled in the block as well as newly released bitcoin.
Minimum Gulden NLG Transaction. I also know that in most cases Bitcoin mining is done by big organisations, mostly in China and Eastern Europe, running large farms of mining computers. It’s tough to compete against that. Cryptocurrency Mining Farm (Image: M. Krohn/Wikimedia) However, in learning about my current, I found out that it can be mined on a home PC with a half-decent graphics card. I decided to give it a go.
The basic process is straightforward: • You run a dedicated mining app, typically, which mines Bitcore by maxing out your graphics card. • You connect the app to an online mining pool server so your mining power contributes to a pool of other miners’ hardware and you share the coins created. • You connect your mining pool account to your Bitcore wallet so that payouts come to you. The details are covered well in a YouTube video by Mod Rage, ‘ How to Mine Bitcore (BTX) for Beginners (From Scratch)‘, included below. There’s another one that gives some additional useful information. My Setup When I initially tried running CCMiner I got the error “qubit_luffa512_cpu_init” each time. I worked out this indicated my graphics card was too old to run the latest version of CCMiner – no great surprise there – so I went back through older versions to find one that worked for me.
That turned out to be the x64 version of build. When you start up the miner, initially not a lot happens – you just get a command window with a basic startup screen: CC Miner Screen – startup (Image: BIUK) After a minute or two, however, you will likely become aware of a rising background noise as your graphics card starts to ‘take off’. You may also find your PC’s response becomes a bit ‘sluggish’. Here mine has started – the card temperature has increased from 68C to 88C, and the fan speed from 46% to 67%: CC Miner Screen – startup 2 (Image: BIUK) The key thing is the “yes!” message which tells us it has started to mine successfully (failure is indicated by “boo!”). November has been a lively month in cryptocurrency, but particularly for the Bitcore coin (symbol BTX).
I’ve written a number of blog posts about it, but I think a summary would be worthwhile: 1. One month ago, on 22 October, I had just 2.8 Bitcore, courtesy of a from last April. Each Bitcore was so the total value was about £13. To get the next big I needed to own at least 10 Bitcore, so I decided to simply buy £100 worth on 25 October. That got me 19.77 BTX, for a total of 22.6 BTX. With Bitcore at about $7 that was worth about £120. Having met the threshold I received a on 30 October bringing the total to 28.2 BTX, at about $8 each, so a total of £170.
While the one-off airdrop was nice I was actually after the weekly 3% airdrops and the. At this point I reached 29 BTX at about $10 each so worth £227. The next weekly airdrop on 13 November took me to 30 BTX at $13, so £290. This was starting to look serious!
On 18 November I received my. Since Bitcore was doing so well I used the money to buy some more. Bitcore had so my end result was 51 BTX, now at an impressive $30, so worth £1100! The next day I sold a small Ethereum Dark airdrop for 1.25 more BTX.
This Monday the next weekly airdrop came in giving me another 0.9 BT The end result for the month – not counting at least another weekly airdrop to come in before the end of this month – is that I now have 53.3 BTX. Today their value has dropped back a little to $27 each, so their total value still hovers around £1100. Bitcore November transactions (Image: BIUK) So, through a whole series of free airdrops, plus a big rise in the market, my outlay of £100 is now worth £1100. Just one reason why I love cryptocurrency!
To an extent it feels like I’ve earned the money, by ‘jumping through hoops’ to claim the free airdrops. Therefore the outcome is the most satisfying, despite the fact that over the same month, by doing nothing, each of my Bitcoins (BTC) has gone up in value from £4100 to £6200, so my 12.5 BTC have gone up by an astonishing £26,000 in a month. Somehow that seems less real than the BTX gains.
I’m a bit of a fan of Bitcore (BTX) as is clear from my history – largely, I confess, because it has so many! Who doesn’t like free coins?! Airdrop (Image: NMUSAF/Wikimedia) Less than a week after the last (based on how many BTX you own), there was another airdrop on 2 November (based on how many Bitcoin/BTC you own) – both taking place in parallel with the. It’s raining free Bitcore coins! Naturally I claimed it. The process is covered fairly well in the official. It is effectively a second version of the.
However, getting the private key to your BTC account as required by that description can be tricky, so here I’ll explain how to do it if you’re holding your. To be eligible you need to have held Bitcoin on 2nd November in a wallet you control, i.e. One to which you have the private keys, and you will get 1 BTX for each 2 BTC. Log into your Electrum Wallet go to Wallet ->Private Keys ->Export, then enter your password and wait a few moments. Look for the address containing your Bitcoin in the left column and copy the private key from that right column: Electrum Export Private Keys screen (Image: BIUK) It’s this key that you paste into the Bitcore Wallet console as described in the Steemit description linked above.
Note, as ever, as soon as you have exposed a private key you may have compromised your wallet security (you can see in the screenshot to be safe I had already moved out my Bitcoin from the wallet before making the claim). At this point, if you want to be completely safe, you should wipe the wallet before using it again. Anyway, that’s it done – the new BTX should appear in your Bitcore Wallet straight away if it works, otherwise check that you used the correct location address for your BTC on 2nd November. It worked for me – my 5.8 BTC gave me 2.7 more BTX, so in total currently worth about $50/£40 – not a bad freebie! Bitcore 2nd Snapshot (Image: BIUK).
As I pointed out before, the Bitcore coin (BTX) has a great ‘unique selling point (USP)’ that if you hold it you get – effectively ‘interest’ – added weekly. This week is the first time I’ve held enough BTX in my wallet (10 is the minimum quantity) to qualify for the airdrop. However, just like, it arrived on time and with no fuss. Bitcore Weekly Airdrop received (Image: Bitcoin Investors UK) An added bonus is that in that week the value of Bitcore has gone up from – so my £100 stake is now worth £227. Now maybe you can see why I’m a BTX fan! I have been following Bitcore (symbol: BTX) for some months. How Long Does Cryptonex CNX Mining Take.
It seems to be one of the more interesting new altcoins as it seems to have momentum. It has regular and community discussions which is more than most here-today-gone-tomorrow altcoins. I first heard about it because it had an airdrop that allowed you to claim free Bitcore if you had Bitcoin in a private wallet on a specific date (26 April 2017). On that day I had 2.8 Bitcoin in my Ledger so I decided to claim. I assume this airdrop is still open so if you had some Bitcoin then you can still claim yourself. The process is pretty straightforward – download and install a as per the usual process (much like I detailed in ). You then need to sign a message using your Bitcoin Wallet to prove you own the Bitcoins, and then you register for the airdrop by providing the Receive address for your Bitcore Wallet, plus the message, on the.
For me an additional complication was that my old Ledger Nano can’t sign messages so I had to import the account into Electrum and sign it there. I therefore didn’t make the claim until August. From that original airdrop I received 2.8 BTX. They have held their value fairly constant at so that was worth $17 or about £13. Not as great as some airdrops (e.g. ) but not bad.
I missed a trick, though, as Bitcore provides free airdrops weekly worth 3% of your current balance. That certainly beats the 1% per year you might get with a conventional fiat savings account! However, you only get the airdrop with a minimum balance of 10 BTX which, of course, I didn’t have. Anyway, when I heard of I decided to do something about it. The airdrops would only be available to those who registered, but would start with a free 25% airdrop which seemed rather attractive. Therefore last week I bought £100 worth of BTX (so 19.77 BTX) – that brought my total to 22.6 which was more than enough. I have covered the process of previously.
My reasoning was that £100 was enough to be worth doing – since I would get about £25 free for the effort of registering – and that I didn’t have the nerve to do what I maybe should have done. Which was buy £10000 worth of BTX and make £2500 overnight. Of course, the latter would have left me open to big losses if BTX devalued quickly. Bitcore Wallet – recent transactions (Image: Bitcoin Investors UK) Anyway, I’m pleased to report the free 25% BTX (5.64 BTX so worth about £30) has arrived in my wallet. And the price has remained relatively stable so I should really have bought much more I plan to keep hold of my BTX for some time (whereas I usually sell airdrops fast) because of the weekly airdrops I should now get. Of course, Bitcore know that’s what people will do and I credit them with coming up with a very clever way of keeping their currency stable and with significant value.
There’s an airdrop coming up on 30 October for the Bitcore cryptocurrency (symbol BTX). This airdrop promises 25% on top of your BTX holding, followed by 3% per week. That’s pretty generous! I have a small amount of BTX from a previous airdrop (which depended only on you holding some Bitcoin on 26 April this year – more details ). This time I’ve decided to go in bigger and buy some BTX ahead of the airdrop date.
Bitcore Homepage (Image: Bitcoin Investors UK) BTX is primarily traded on so I registered there and transferred some BTC from my Ledger to my new Cryptopia account. I decided to go for £100 (0.0238 BTC) so the 3% would be worth something. Cryptopia Homepage (Image: Bitcoin Investors UK) Although it was the first time I used Cryptopia the deposit was easy to do: Depositing Bitcoin to Cryptopia (Image: Bitcoin Investors UK) It went through smoothly, though it took nearly an hour. I bought the Bitcore and transferred to it to my wallet (which only took about 10 minutes), to join the 2.8BTX already there from the previous airdrop: Bitcore Wallet (BItcoin Investors UK) I registered my wallet address following the excellent detailed instructions put out. They also cover downloading and installing the Bitcore wallet if you don’t already have one. My Bitcore is now ready sitting in my wallet, with the address registered with the Bitcore site for the airdrop. Now I just need to wait for the free Bitcore!
The process of learning about mining a cryptocurrency sounds endless; but it aids seeking to find the most profitable crypto coin to match my tight budget GPU; which is Nvidia 820M 2G. Today I am going to show you first impressions about mining BitCore (BTX).
So first things first; What is BitCore (BTX)? Bitcore is a full bitcoin node — your apps run directly on the peer-to-peer network. For wallet application development, additional indexes have been added into Bitcoin for querying address balances, transaction history, and unspent outputs.
BitCore (BTX) @ CoinMarketCap What Mining Pool? Well; I am testing; it requirs no registration and allow your earned BitCore to be converted into bitcoins, so you get paid in bitcion. You may try: MiningPoolHub and Suprnova. I used 'ccminer-2.0-rc3-bitcore-x64-cuda-7.5'; which is optimized for Nvidia GPUs and added suport for BitCore algo. Get it here: P.S. I should thank mr.
'IMineBlocks' who suggested this app and recorded a video on youtube about how to mine BitCore. Check The Video Below. Nvidia 820M 2G performance The intesity was put to '9' whbich allows 512 threads producing a hash rate 137 KH/s. The ZPOOL miner page (BTC adress) shows information about the minig process. Unfortunately I have to wait for 24hrs to check the earnings in BTC. I know that mining with low performace GPUs won't be profitable; But, I learn as I go and finding more to test will improve my mining experience especially when I become ready to build my first mining rig.
My Impressions! 1-- High performance GPUs produce faster calculation and so better earning rates. 2-- is a nice service mining pool; it converts your earned BTX to BTC so you end up earning BTC while mining BTX. 3-- Th conversion from BTX to BTC takes more than 24hrs to finish which is a disadvantage. Thanx 4 reading so far. Have A Nice Day.
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- Bitcore BTX Mining Electricity Bitcore BTX Mining Electricity Average ratng: 6,1/10 7214reviews
BitCore - Claim your free Hybird Fork Coins and join our weekly Airdrop. Live Bitcore prices from all markets and BTX coin market Capitalization. Stay up to date with the latest Bitcore price movements and forum discussion. Check out our.
Like everyone involved in cryptocurrency I know that Bitcoin and other coins are produced through mining: Bitcoin mining is the process by which transactions are verified and added to the public ledger, known as the block chain, and also the means through which new bitcoin are released. Anyone with access to the internet and suitable hardware can participate in mining. The mining process involves compiling recent transactions into blocks and trying to solve a computationally difficult puzzle. The participant who first solves the puzzle gets to place the next block on the block chain and claim the rewards. The rewards, which incentivize mining, are both the transaction fees associated with the transactions compiled in the block as well as newly released bitcoin.
I also know that in most cases Bitcoin mining is done by big organisations, mostly in China and Eastern Europe, running large farms of mining computers. It’s tough to compete against that. Cryptocurrency Mining Farm (Image: M. Krohn/Wikimedia) However, in learning about my current, I found out that it can be mined on a home PC with a half-decent graphics card. I decided to give it a go.
The basic process is straightforward: • You run a dedicated mining app, typically, which mines Bitcore by maxing out your graphics card. • You connect the app to an online mining pool server so your mining power contributes to a pool of other miners’ hardware and you share the coins created. • You connect your mining pool account to your Bitcore wallet so that payouts come to you. The details are covered well in a YouTube video by Mod Rage, ‘ How to Mine Bitcore (BTX) for Beginners (From Scratch)‘, included below. There’s another one that gives some additional useful information. My Setup When I initially tried running CCMiner I got the error “qubit_luffa512_cpu_init” each time. I worked out this indicated my graphics card was too old to run the latest version of CCMiner – no great surprise there – so I went back through older versions to find one that worked for me.
That turned out to be the x64 version of build. When you start up the miner, initially not a lot happens – you just get a command window with a basic startup screen: CC Miner Screen – startup (Image: BIUK) After a minute or two, however, you will likely become aware of a rising background noise as your graphics card starts to ‘take off’. You may also find your PC’s response becomes a bit ‘sluggish’. Here mine has started – the card temperature has increased from 68C to 88C, and the fan speed from 46% to 67%: CC Miner Screen – startup 2 (Image: BIUK) The key thing is the “yes!” message which tells us it has started to mine successfully (failure is indicated by “boo!”). November has been a lively month in cryptocurrency, but particularly for the Bitcore coin (symbol BTX).
I’ve written a number of blog posts about it, but I think a summary would be worthwhile: 1. One month ago, on 22 October, I had just 2.8 Bitcore, courtesy of a from last April. Each Bitcore was so the total value was about £13. To get the next big I needed to own at least 10 Bitcore, so I decided to simply buy £100 worth on 25 October. That got me 19.77 BTX, for a total of 22.6 BTX. With Bitcore at about $7 that was worth about £120. Having met the threshold I received a on 30 October bringing the total to 28.2 BTX, at about $8 each, so a total of £170.
While the one-off airdrop was nice I was actually after the weekly 3% airdrops and the. At this point I reached 29 BTX at about $10 each so worth £227. The next weekly airdrop on 13 November took me to 30 BTX at $13, so £290. This was starting to look serious!
On 18 November I received my. Since Bitcore was doing so well I used the money to buy some more. Bitcore had so my end result was 51 BTX, now at an impressive $30, so worth £1100! The next day I sold a small Ethereum Dark airdrop for 1.25 more BTX.
This Monday the next weekly airdrop came in giving me another 0.9 BT The end result for the month – not counting at least another weekly airdrop to come in before the end of this month – is that I now have 53.3 BTX. Today their value has dropped back a little to $27 each, so their total value still hovers around £1100. Bitcore November transactions (Image: BIUK) So, through a whole series of free airdrops, plus a big rise in the market, my outlay of £100 is now worth £1100. Just one reason why I love cryptocurrency!
To an extent it feels like I’ve earned the money, by ‘jumping through hoops’ to claim the free airdrops. Therefore the outcome is the most satisfying, despite the fact that over the same month, by doing nothing, each of my Bitcoins (BTC) has gone up in value from £4100 to £6200, so my 12.5 BTC have gone up by an astonishing £26,000 in a month. Somehow that seems less real than the BTX gains.
I’m a bit of a fan of Bitcore (BTX) as is clear from my history – largely, I confess, because it has so many! Who doesn’t like free coins?! Airdrop (Image: NMUSAF/Wikimedia) Less than a week after the last (based on how many BTX you own), there was another airdrop on 2 November (based on how many Bitcoin/BTC you own) – both taking place in parallel with the. It’s raining free Bitcore coins! Naturally I claimed it. The process is covered fairly well in the official. It is effectively a second version of the.
However, getting the private key to your BTC account as required by that description can be tricky, so here I’ll explain how to do it if you’re holding your. To be eligible you need to have held Bitcoin on 2nd November in a wallet you control, i.e. One to which you have the private keys, and you will get 1 BTX for each 2 BTC. Log into your Electrum Wallet go to Wallet ->Private Keys ->Export, then enter your password and wait a few moments. Look for the address containing your Bitcoin in the left column and copy the private key from that right column: Electrum Export Private Keys screen (Image: BIUK) It’s this key that you paste into the Bitcore Wallet console as described in the Steemit description linked above.
Note, as ever, as soon as you have exposed a private key you may have compromised your wallet security (you can see in the screenshot to be safe I had already moved out my Bitcoin from the wallet before making the claim). At this point, if you want to be completely safe, you should wipe the wallet before using it again. Anyway, that’s it done – the new BTX should appear in your Bitcore Wallet straight away if it works, otherwise check that you used the correct location address for your BTC on 2nd November. It worked for me – my 5.8 BTC gave me 2.7 more BTX, so in total currently worth about $50/£40 – not a bad freebie! Bitcore 2nd Snapshot (Image: BIUK).
As I pointed out before, the Bitcore coin (BTX) has a great ‘unique selling point (USP)’ that if you hold it you get – effectively ‘interest’ – added weekly. This week is the first time I’ve held enough BTX in my wallet (10 is the minimum quantity) to qualify for the airdrop. However, just like, it arrived on time and with no fuss. Bitcore Weekly Airdrop received (Image: Bitcoin Investors UK) An added bonus is that in that week the value of Bitcore has gone up from – so my £100 stake is now worth £227. Now maybe you can see why I’m a BTX fan! I have been following Bitcore (symbol: BTX) for some months.
It seems to be one of the more interesting new altcoins as it seems to have momentum. It has regular and community discussions which is more than most here-today-gone-tomorrow altcoins. I first heard about it because it had an airdrop that allowed you to claim free Bitcore if you had Bitcoin in a private wallet on a specific date (26 April 2017). On that day I had 2.8 Bitcoin in my Ledger so I decided to claim. I assume this airdrop is still open so if you had some Bitcoin then you can still claim yourself. The process is pretty straightforward – download and install a as per the usual process (much like I detailed in ). You then need to sign a message using your Bitcoin Wallet to prove you own the Bitcoins, and then you register for the airdrop by providing the Receive address for your Bitcore Wallet, plus the message, on the.
For me an additional complication was that my old Ledger Nano can’t sign messages so I had to import the account into Electrum and sign it there. I therefore didn’t make the claim until August. From that original airdrop I received 2.8 BTX. They have held their value fairly constant at so that was worth $17 or about £13. Not as great as some airdrops (e.g. ) but not bad.
I missed a trick, though, as Bitcore provides free airdrops weekly worth 3% of your current balance. That certainly beats the 1% per year you might get with a conventional fiat savings account! However, you only get the airdrop with a minimum balance of 10 BTX which, of course, I didn’t have. Anyway, when I heard of I decided to do something about it. The airdrops would only be available to those who registered, but would start with a free 25% airdrop which seemed rather attractive. Therefore last week I bought £100 worth of BTX (so 19.77 BTX) – that brought my total to 22.6 which was more than enough. I have covered the process of previously.
My reasoning was that £100 was enough to be worth doing – since I would get about £25 free for the effort of registering – and that I didn’t have the nerve to do what I maybe should have done. Which was buy £10000 worth of BTX and make £2500 overnight. Of course, the latter would have left me open to big losses if BTX devalued quickly. Bitcore Wallet – recent transactions (Image: Bitcoin Investors UK) Anyway, I’m pleased to report the free 25% BTX (5.64 BTX so worth about £30) has arrived in my wallet. And the price has remained relatively stable so I should really have bought much more I plan to keep hold of my BTX for some time (whereas I usually sell airdrops fast) because of the weekly airdrops I should now get. Of course, Bitcore know that’s what people will do and I credit them with coming up with a very clever way of keeping their currency stable and with significant value.
There’s an airdrop coming up on 30 October for the Bitcore cryptocurrency (symbol BTX). This airdrop promises 25% on top of your BTX holding, followed by 3% per week. That’s pretty generous! I have a small amount of BTX from a previous airdrop (which depended only on you holding some Bitcoin on 26 April this year – more details ). This time I’ve decided to go in bigger and buy some BTX ahead of the airdrop date.
Bitcore Homepage (Image: Bitcoin Investors UK) BTX is primarily traded on so I registered there and transferred some BTC from my Ledger to my new Cryptopia account. I decided to go for £100 (0.0238 BTC) so the 3% would be worth something. Cryptopia Homepage (Image: Bitcoin Investors UK) Although it was the first time I used Cryptopia the deposit was easy to do: Depositing Bitcoin to Cryptopia (Image: Bitcoin Investors UK) It went through smoothly, though it took nearly an hour. I bought the Bitcore and transferred to it to my wallet (which only took about 10 minutes), to join the 2.8BTX already there from the previous airdrop: Bitcore Wallet (BItcoin Investors UK) I registered my wallet address following the excellent detailed instructions put out. They also cover downloading and installing the Bitcore wallet if you don’t already have one. My Bitcore is now ready sitting in my wallet, with the address registered with the Bitcore site for the airdrop. Now I just need to wait for the free Bitcore!
The process of learning about mining a cryptocurrency sounds endless; but it aids seeking to find the most profitable crypto coin to match my tight budget GPU; which is Nvidia 820M 2G. Today I am going to show you first impressions about mining BitCore (BTX).
So first things first; What is BitCore (BTX)? Bitcore is a full bitcoin node — your apps run directly on the peer-to-peer network. For wallet application development, additional indexes have been added into Bitcoin for querying address balances, transaction history, and unspent outputs.
BitCore (BTX) @ CoinMarketCap What Mining Pool? Well; I am testing; it requirs no registration and allow your earned BitCore to be converted into bitcoins, so you get paid in bitcion. You may try: MiningPoolHub and Suprnova. I used 'ccminer-2.0-rc3-bitcore-x64-cuda-7.5'; which is optimized for Nvidia GPUs and added suport for BitCore algo. Get it here: P.S. I should thank mr.
'IMineBlocks' who suggested this app and recorded a video on youtube about how to mine BitCore. Check The Video Below. Nvidia 820M 2G performance The intesity was put to '9' whbich allows 512 threads producing a hash rate 137 KH/s. The ZPOOL miner page (BTC adress) shows information about the minig process. Unfortunately I have to wait for 24hrs to check the earnings in BTC. I know that mining with low performace GPUs won't be profitable; But, I learn as I go and finding more to test will improve my mining experience especially when I become ready to build my first mining rig.
My Impressions! 1-- High performance GPUs produce faster calculation and so better earning rates. 2-- is a nice service mining pool; it converts your earned BTX to BTC so you end up earning BTC while mining BTX. 3-- Th conversion from BTX to BTC takes more than 24hrs to finish which is a disadvantage. Thanx 4 reading so far. Have A Nice Day.
- Bitcore BTX Mining Electricity Bitcore BTX Mining Electricity Average ratng: 6,1/10 7214reviews
BitCore - Claim your free Hybird Fork Coins and join our weekly Airdrop. Live Bitcore prices from all markets and BTX coin market Capitalization. Stay up to date with the latest Bitcore price movements and forum discussion. Check out our.
Like everyone involved in cryptocurrency I know that Bitcoin and other coins are produced through mining: Bitcoin mining is the process by which transactions are verified and added to the public ledger, known as the block chain, and also the means through which new bitcoin are released. Anyone with access to the internet and suitable hardware can participate in mining. The mining process involves compiling recent transactions into blocks and trying to solve a computationally difficult puzzle. The participant who first solves the puzzle gets to place the next block on the block chain and claim the rewards. The rewards, which incentivize mining, are both the transaction fees associated with the transactions compiled in the block as well as newly released bitcoin.
I also know that in most cases Bitcoin mining is done by big organisations, mostly in China and Eastern Europe, running large farms of mining computers. It’s tough to compete against that. Cryptocurrency Mining Farm (Image: M. Krohn/Wikimedia) However, in learning about my current, I found out that it can be mined on a home PC with a half-decent graphics card. I decided to give it a go.
The basic process is straightforward: • You run a dedicated mining app, typically, which mines Bitcore by maxing out your graphics card. • You connect the app to an online mining pool server so your mining power contributes to a pool of other miners’ hardware and you share the coins created. • You connect your mining pool account to your Bitcore wallet so that payouts come to you. The details are covered well in a YouTube video by Mod Rage, ‘ How to Mine Bitcore (BTX) for Beginners (From Scratch)‘, included below. There’s another one that gives some additional useful information. My Setup When I initially tried running CCMiner I got the error “qubit_luffa512_cpu_init” each time. I worked out this indicated my graphics card was too old to run the latest version of CCMiner – no great surprise there – so I went back through older versions to find one that worked for me.
That turned out to be the x64 version of build. When you start up the miner, initially not a lot happens – you just get a command window with a basic startup screen: CC Miner Screen – startup (Image: BIUK) After a minute or two, however, you will likely become aware of a rising background noise as your graphics card starts to ‘take off’. You may also find your PC’s response becomes a bit ‘sluggish’. Here mine has started – the card temperature has increased from 68C to 88C, and the fan speed from 46% to 67%: CC Miner Screen – startup 2 (Image: BIUK) The key thing is the “yes!” message which tells us it has started to mine successfully (failure is indicated by “boo!”). November has been a lively month in cryptocurrency, but particularly for the Bitcore coin (symbol BTX).
I’ve written a number of blog posts about it, but I think a summary would be worthwhile: 1. One month ago, on 22 October, I had just 2.8 Bitcore, courtesy of a from last April. Each Bitcore was so the total value was about £13. To get the next big I needed to own at least 10 Bitcore, so I decided to simply buy £100 worth on 25 October. That got me 19.77 BTX, for a total of 22.6 BTX. With Bitcore at about $7 that was worth about £120. Having met the threshold I received a on 30 October bringing the total to 28.2 BTX, at about $8 each, so a total of £170.
While the one-off airdrop was nice I was actually after the weekly 3% airdrops and the. At this point I reached 29 BTX at about $10 each so worth £227. The next weekly airdrop on 13 November took me to 30 BTX at $13, so £290. This was starting to look serious!
On 18 November I received my. Since Bitcore was doing so well I used the money to buy some more. Bitcore had so my end result was 51 BTX, now at an impressive $30, so worth £1100! The next day I sold a small Ethereum Dark airdrop for 1.25 more BTX.
This Monday the next weekly airdrop came in giving me another 0.9 BT The end result for the month – not counting at least another weekly airdrop to come in before the end of this month – is that I now have 53.3 BTX. Today their value has dropped back a little to $27 each, so their total value still hovers around £1100. Bitcore November transactions (Image: BIUK) So, through a whole series of free airdrops, plus a big rise in the market, my outlay of £100 is now worth £1100. Just one reason why I love cryptocurrency!
To an extent it feels like I’ve earned the money, by ‘jumping through hoops’ to claim the free airdrops. Therefore the outcome is the most satisfying, despite the fact that over the same month, by doing nothing, each of my Bitcoins (BTC) has gone up in value from £4100 to £6200, so my 12.5 BTC have gone up by an astonishing £26,000 in a month. Somehow that seems less real than the BTX gains.
I’m a bit of a fan of Bitcore (BTX) as is clear from my history – largely, I confess, because it has so many! Who doesn’t like free coins?! Airdrop (Image: NMUSAF/Wikimedia) Less than a week after the last (based on how many BTX you own), there was another airdrop on 2 November (based on how many Bitcoin/BTC you own) – both taking place in parallel with the. It’s raining free Bitcore coins! Naturally I claimed it. The process is covered fairly well in the official. It is effectively a second version of the.
However, getting the private key to your BTC account as required by that description can be tricky, so here I’ll explain how to do it if you’re holding your. To be eligible you need to have held Bitcoin on 2nd November in a wallet you control, i.e. One to which you have the private keys, and you will get 1 BTX for each 2 BTC. Log into your Electrum Wallet go to Wallet ->Private Keys ->Export, then enter your password and wait a few moments. Look for the address containing your Bitcoin in the left column and copy the private key from that right column: Electrum Export Private Keys screen (Image: BIUK) It’s this key that you paste into the Bitcore Wallet console as described in the Steemit description linked above.
Note, as ever, as soon as you have exposed a private key you may have compromised your wallet security (you can see in the screenshot to be safe I had already moved out my Bitcoin from the wallet before making the claim). At this point, if you want to be completely safe, you should wipe the wallet before using it again. Anyway, that’s it done – the new BTX should appear in your Bitcore Wallet straight away if it works, otherwise check that you used the correct location address for your BTC on 2nd November. It worked for me – my 5.8 BTC gave me 2.7 more BTX, so in total currently worth about $50/£40 – not a bad freebie! Bitcore 2nd Snapshot (Image: BIUK).
As I pointed out before, the Bitcore coin (BTX) has a great ‘unique selling point (USP)’ that if you hold it you get – effectively ‘interest’ – added weekly. This week is the first time I’ve held enough BTX in my wallet (10 is the minimum quantity) to qualify for the airdrop. However, just like, it arrived on time and with no fuss. Bitcore Weekly Airdrop received (Image: Bitcoin Investors UK) An added bonus is that in that week the value of Bitcore has gone up from – so my £100 stake is now worth £227. Now maybe you can see why I’m a BTX fan! I have been following Bitcore (symbol: BTX) for some months.
It seems to be one of the more interesting new altcoins as it seems to have momentum. It has regular and community discussions which is more than most here-today-gone-tomorrow altcoins. I first heard about it because it had an airdrop that allowed you to claim free Bitcore if you had Bitcoin in a private wallet on a specific date (26 April 2017). On that day I had 2.8 Bitcoin in my Ledger so I decided to claim. I assume this airdrop is still open so if you had some Bitcoin then you can still claim yourself. The process is pretty straightforward – download and install a as per the usual process (much like I detailed in ). You then need to sign a message using your Bitcoin Wallet to prove you own the Bitcoins, and then you register for the airdrop by providing the Receive address for your Bitcore Wallet, plus the message, on the.
For me an additional complication was that my old Ledger Nano can’t sign messages so I had to import the account into Electrum and sign it there. I therefore didn’t make the claim until August. From that original airdrop I received 2.8 BTX. They have held their value fairly constant at so that was worth $17 or about £13. Not as great as some airdrops (e.g. ) but not bad.
I missed a trick, though, as Bitcore provides free airdrops weekly worth 3% of your current balance. That certainly beats the 1% per year you might get with a conventional fiat savings account! However, you only get the airdrop with a minimum balance of 10 BTX which, of course, I didn’t have. Anyway, when I heard of I decided to do something about it. The airdrops would only be available to those who registered, but would start with a free 25% airdrop which seemed rather attractive. Therefore last week I bought £100 worth of BTX (so 19.77 BTX) – that brought my total to 22.6 which was more than enough. I have covered the process of previously.
My reasoning was that £100 was enough to be worth doing – since I would get about £25 free for the effort of registering – and that I didn’t have the nerve to do what I maybe should have done. Which was buy £10000 worth of BTX and make £2500 overnight. Of course, the latter would have left me open to big losses if BTX devalued quickly. Bitcore Wallet – recent transactions (Image: Bitcoin Investors UK) Anyway, I’m pleased to report the free 25% BTX (5.64 BTX so worth about £30) has arrived in my wallet. And the price has remained relatively stable so I should really have bought much more I plan to keep hold of my BTX for some time (whereas I usually sell airdrops fast) because of the weekly airdrops I should now get. Of course, Bitcore know that’s what people will do and I credit them with coming up with a very clever way of keeping their currency stable and with significant value.
There’s an airdrop coming up on 30 October for the Bitcore cryptocurrency (symbol BTX). This airdrop promises 25% on top of your BTX holding, followed by 3% per week. That’s pretty generous! I have a small amount of BTX from a previous airdrop (which depended only on you holding some Bitcoin on 26 April this year – more details ). This time I’ve decided to go in bigger and buy some BTX ahead of the airdrop date.
Bitcore Homepage (Image: Bitcoin Investors UK) BTX is primarily traded on so I registered there and transferred some BTC from my Ledger to my new Cryptopia account. I decided to go for £100 (0.0238 BTC) so the 3% would be worth something. Cryptopia Homepage (Image: Bitcoin Investors UK) Although it was the first time I used Cryptopia the deposit was easy to do: Depositing Bitcoin to Cryptopia (Image: Bitcoin Investors UK) It went through smoothly, though it took nearly an hour. I bought the Bitcore and transferred to it to my wallet (which only took about 10 minutes), to join the 2.8BTX already there from the previous airdrop: Bitcore Wallet (BItcoin Investors UK) I registered my wallet address following the excellent detailed instructions put out. They also cover downloading and installing the Bitcore wallet if you don’t already have one. My Bitcore is now ready sitting in my wallet, with the address registered with the Bitcore site for the airdrop. Now I just need to wait for the free Bitcore!
The process of learning about mining a cryptocurrency sounds endless; but it aids seeking to find the most profitable crypto coin to match my tight budget GPU; which is Nvidia 820M 2G. Today I am going to show you first impressions about mining BitCore (BTX).
So first things first; What is BitCore (BTX)? Bitcore is a full bitcoin node — your apps run directly on the peer-to-peer network. For wallet application development, additional indexes have been added into Bitcoin for querying address balances, transaction history, and unspent outputs.
BitCore (BTX) @ CoinMarketCap What Mining Pool? Well; I am testing; it requirs no registration and allow your earned BitCore to be converted into bitcoins, so you get paid in bitcion. You may try: MiningPoolHub and Suprnova. I used 'ccminer-2.0-rc3-bitcore-x64-cuda-7.5'; which is optimized for Nvidia GPUs and added suport for BitCore algo. Get it here: P.S. I should thank mr.
'IMineBlocks' who suggested this app and recorded a video on youtube about how to mine BitCore. Check The Video Below. Nvidia 820M 2G performance The intesity was put to '9' whbich allows 512 threads producing a hash rate 137 KH/s. The ZPOOL miner page (BTC adress) shows information about the minig process. Unfortunately I have to wait for 24hrs to check the earnings in BTC. I know that mining with low performace GPUs won't be profitable; But, I learn as I go and finding more to test will improve my mining experience especially when I become ready to build my first mining rig.
My Impressions! 1-- High performance GPUs produce faster calculation and so better earning rates. 2-- is a nice service mining pool; it converts your earned BTX to BTC so you end up earning BTC while mining BTX. 3-- Th conversion from BTX to BTC takes more than 24hrs to finish which is a disadvantage. Thanx 4 reading so far. Have A Nice Day.