How Much Earn Dogecoin DOGE Mining
Posted by admin- in Home -01/12/17CoinWarz Dogecoin mining calculator. Enter your mining rig's hash rate and the CoinWarz Dogecoin calculator will use the current difficulty and exchange rate to. Not sure if this is allowed but I'm curious how much you guys earn mining in a day. I run a CPU miner off my laptop and get about 50 Dogecoin. How much Dogecoin do you guys. This is, like, worth a year of mining doge to me.
Welcome fellow Shibes! is a curated list of all things Dogecoin, along with news and thoughts about Dogecoin and cryptocurrencies. From new Shibes looking to start out, to old Shib es looking to catch up on the latest Doge developments, let us be your starting portal to the world of Dogecoin. Such Portal, So Dogecoin, Much Wow.
-AlphaDoge & Admin Shibe Pssst.! Want $10 worth of Bitcoins for free?
By opening a new account at and buying at least $100 in Bitcoin That’s an AUTOMATIC 10% ROI and increase in your money regardless of what the market is doing. You just made $10 doing nothing! Came here looking for information on explaining how to get your paws on some fresh Doges!
You know you’re a good doge when Robin Hood himself picks you over other coins. That’s right, a new place to buy dogecoin and a possible competitor to called will be allowing free Bitcoin and Etherium purchases with fiat, and will trade Dogecoin out of 16 coins that it is listing. This could open up a whole new market and demographic to the crypto space, lending credibility to the investment and currency trading world!
They are also using a brilliant marketing technique. Using a to sign up, gives each person a free real-world Wall St. This could be APPL or something cheaper. It’s random, but at the least you will get one worth $5, but perhaps one worth $150- all for no cost to you.
In a sign of Bitcoin becoming more mainstream than ever, there is now a cryptocurrency based on the doge, dogge, or shibe meme called dogecoin or doge for short. Dogecoin: Which One is Really Worth More? By Tom McKay Jan. Very news: Much trade. Long live doge. Such success. Share: Share.
It’s worth the free foray into the stock just for that! If you need a referral code, feel free to. We all knew it was going to happen, after all the moon is our goal, but here it is: Dogecoin being launched into Space, via the AlbertaSat satellite being launched into orbit. From Nasa: “On April 18, 2017 Ex-Alta 1 blasted into space aboard the SS John Glen Cygnus spacecraft on top of the Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Florida. It made a quick stop aboard the International Space Station. Last Friday, May 26, 2017, Ex-Alta 1 was deployed into space from the ISS, taking Dogecoin with it!” The image was engraved on a microchip.
More info on this Reddit thread, and the site itself. What a world for a Doge to live in! Today we are so used to tangible, physical coins and paper notes it’s hard for a digital currency newcomer to wrap their head around “invisible magic internet money”.
The problem with virtual currency is just that- it’s virtual. You can’t hold it in your hand. No problem, we have people in the community to fill that need, meet Tony Pepperoni, CEO of The Shibe Mint and his physical Dogecoins. Tony and his noble crew have set about immortalizing the amazing Dogecoin with it’s own physical representation in a collectable coin. Oh, did I say coin? I meant coins.
Not just, not just, but now a serving as an incredible hat-trick of beautiful memorabilia to commemorate the birth of an exciting and exploding digital currency. The community definitely seems to have a need for these. Pictures of people’s coins pop up almost every day on /r/dogecoin. The Shibe Mint isn’t even alone in this. Users like /u/ozbloke and others work in everything from metal to 3d-printing technology to produce beautiful coins for the community. The coins from the Shibe Mint are spectacular, they come in limited edition and include a protective case, a letter of authenticity complete with holographic serial number, and a bonus Dogecoin wallet with few hundred “real” Dogecoin. The Copper coins were $10 Dollars U.S., and the silver coins were sold for $35.00.
The 24kt gold plated coins are being released for only $16.99. Of course, you can pay in Dogecoin. But who is this Tony Pepperoni?
I pictured a blacksmith striking a giant, glowing hot anvil in the forest-covered mountains. I had to get to the bottom of this. What is a Shibe Mint and how does it all work? Pepperoni was kind enough to take time from the furnace and answer a few questions: Dogedoor: When did you first hear about Dogecoin? Tony Pepperoni: In December, over the holidays, I decided to spend a few weeks learning everything that I could about cryptocurrency. I started mining, trading, investing, and discovered dogecoin and have been hooked ever since. DD: What got you interested in making coins?
TP: I’ve always been a fan of coins. I remember going to coin shows with my father when I was young, and there is something about holding a piece of history in your hand that I love about coins. The Shibe Mint was really just combining two hobbies that I like – coins, and digital currency. I knew that there was a market for physical bitcoins, and that people are passionate about dogecoin, so thought that it might work out – it has exceeded all of my expectations.
DD: What’s your profession, normally? TP: I work for a technology company, and have a background in engineering and business. DD: Where is this fabled “Shibe Mint?” TP: Our coins are manufactured in the USA, but our main office is in Canada, in Waterloo, Ontario.
DD: Why should someone buy a Shibe Mint Coin? TP: Quite simply: because you love Dogecoin. I carry a coin on me at all times, and use it as a prop, a conversation starter, when evangelizing about Dogecoin. When we released the first coin, and every subsequent release, it needs to pass the test of – if I wasn’t associated with the Shibe Mint would I want to buy this? I wouldn’t feel right releasing something that didn’t pass that test. DD: Will the coins be worth more in the future? TP: It’s interesting “creating a collectable”.
If doge continues on this track, with increased awareness and interest, the Shibe Mint will continue to create coins – and the first ones made will naturally appreciate in value. Many people who have one would likely not sell theirs right now. DD: Is there thoughts of a solid gold coin in the future? TP: We are in the development phase with a solid gold coin.It would have to be a smaller coin. To be completely honest, an ounce of gold is quite expensive, and even making 100 coins of 1oz is a significant upfront material cost. The trick for that one is going to be how many to make, even of the smaller coin.
Thank you Tony for sitting down with us and sharing. If you haven’t ordered your coin yet, I highly recommend it. There’s just something about holding one of these in your hands that just feels good. They can be purchased for a limited time at Clickfor more info on the gold coin. Update: It’s funded! Race Highlights Look, I have to admit when the community began pushing towards it’s next mission I was a little skeptical.
After blowing through goal after goal of charitable cause, I thought it might be too soon to jump on another project. However, the Dogecoin community would hear none of this. User a great daily on the subject, which shows how the spirit of Dogecoin is really fun and playful, and how not everything has to be a charity or serious. We need to also play, and do goofy things.
After all, we’re supposed to be this silly coin right? We need to start actually doing silly stuff. And thus, is born. Many people thought “giving fatigue” was going to slow this down this drive but once again, Dogecoin proves it has deep and generous pockets. The money will be used to sponsor which has been looking for backers. He is sort of an underdoge, as you will, and doesn’t have the massive backing of his counterparts. He sure doesn’t drive like an underdog.
With this money, Dogecoin will actually in a design made by one of the community members for the popular Talladega race. Can you imagine what the announcers are going to say? As of this writing, the goal is nearing completion, at 60,048,333 of Ð67,500,000 funded. Virtual currency entrepreneur and creator of Moolah.Io, Alex Green mistakenly added an extra zero and.
Sorry, no reverse transactions, Sir! In an act of pure Dogecoin goodness he stood by his mistake and even challenged someone to match him at 10%, offering up a “hot pass” to the race. It seems unofficially someone may have done just this, as a major chunk of the goal evaporated and was funded just hours after that post.
Keep in mind- We have about 70 days left to the “deadline” for this goal. Sorry, I had to. It’s amazing and funny what this community can do.
Even as people mock and deny our very existence, we ignore and press on. Tipping people as we ride by on our moonrocket, created by the hard work of thousands of shibes, building an amazing infrastructure and community- it appears Dogecoin is rather unstoppable. The only question now is, what’s next for this phenomenon? Race Highlights. Update: KTV News Story Below Those familiar with the Dogecoin community already know it’s uncanny ability to fund charities accomplishing donation goals in record time. I guess sending the by helping fund a major portion of their goal wasn’t enough.
A week later, a charity pairing service dogs for autistic children, was funded so quickly people complained that they had gone to bed planning to donate in the morning, only to wake up finding the charity fully funded. How’s that for first world problems? Dogecoin foundation community member Eric Nakawaga came up with the idea for the community’s next charity focus, It’s goal is providing fresh water for those in need in Kenya, Africa by digging wells to help alleviate a treacherous daily walk for the local’s life-giving water.
Would this be Dogecoin’s ultimate charity challenge? It’s goal, 40 million Doge, is a big number. It’s actually in the neighborhood of $33,000. That’s a lot of cash. People began to worry if we might be exhausting the philanthropic members and ability of the community. That’s a very valid concern, we are only human, we can only give so much money before literally running out!
Who could expect us to continually break goal after goal? People began to suggest that we might reset our goal and move to the next charity. Perhaps instead of two wells, we could maybe build one well- a great accomplishment, and still a beautiful gesture. Then something amazing happened. Enter a mysterious user known as “” who began announcing his plan, tweeting: I’ve been watching the dogecoin community. They have pure intentions. I will extend a hand out to help.
The greedy will feed you. I will take what they will not give. It is astonishing that we have fellow humans on this planet without water. We have the wealth, but not the will. The greedy do nothing. He then gave approximately $11,000 worth of Dogecoin to Doges4water in the form of a. Tip 14000000 may we all drink water.
Let the wealthy fill your cup. — Hood (@savethemhood) In that single message, he topped off the remaining money needed to fulfill the 40 million Dogecoin goal. This might be the “most expensive tweet” ever sent. Again, Dogecoin shows its true colors as a power for micro and macro donations- where a community of those that have, find joy and ease in helping those that have not.
It’s important to remember it wasn’t just Hood who donated. Countless people from all walks of life also helped contribute: the high school student with only a few hundred Dogecoin, the investor with thousands giving back to the community, or just the every day person, touched by the spirit of giving and the joy of helping others.
All of these people came together with a single goal in mind- to give people the simple gift of fresh water- something that astonishingly doesn’t exist for some in this world. We have reached a new era. We are moving beyond the simple “ upvote” or “ like” of an internet post or comment. No longer are we virtual spectators while the world unfolds before us.
We now can put our money where our mouth is. Our “likes” now have the power of currency behind them. We are empowered to “like” a charity into being fully funded. We can now down-vote diseases, up-vote heroes in the community, and “like” what is good with the world while ctually contributing instead of merely spectating. Instead of an essentially meaningless virtual “ thumbs up“, we now wield the power to express our will with electronic money. Putting it where our mouth, our feelings- and our heart, are. –Alphadoge Updated News Story from Kenyan News. How Does One Mine Experience Points XP there.
Well, they’ve done it. In one simple stroke of the pen, on one fairly simple page of text, the United Kingdom has basically figured out how to adopt, tax and deal with cryptocurrencies. It was just that easy. The text of the basically outlining what the UK is going to do as far as taxes with the exploding businesses and business surrounding Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. One part reads: However, in all instances, VAT will be due in the normal way from suppliers of any goods or services sold in exchange for Bitcoin or other similar cryptocurrency. The value of the supply of goods or services on which VAT is due will be the sterling value of the cryptocurrency at the point the transaction takes place The solution is pretty much a “duh” for all of us that have already figured that one out. Essentially it’s saying: “At the time of the transaction, figure out what it’s the currency is worth against the Pound, and then charge that for taxes.” Pretty simple?
Can you send that draft over to the ‘States now? This has been one of the often cited critiques of cryptocurrency – the perceived volatility of the market. This may be temporary, as a particular currency finds its market value and then stabilizes, but let’s say that doesn’t happen and they remain volatile- the solutions for businesses and governments are pretty simple. I’ve already seen vendors who offer a “10 minute snapshot” of market prices in your checkout basket.
There’s also. Now that’s a great idea, although probably cost prohibitive for smaller purchases.
Most crypto-enthusiasts want to see their currencies completely de-coupled with Fiat currency, but I don’t think that’s realistic quite yet. Until then we have market snapshots and locally-based market conversions so that everyone can agree what the “price is”. Nothing is stopping you from trading your Doge, or other alt currency directly for goods and services! In fact, you should! For the newcomers, and later adopters of crypto currency, we need a safe way to make sure they understand the “value” of their purchases. Right now this is going to be related directly with their “normal” currencies. Hopefully, the future holds a world where this isn’t necessarily the case, and Crypto currency finds its own, unique value and price.
You know what they say, “1 Ðoge = 1 Ðoge” (clearly posted on the).
Intro Lately, I’ve been trying to earn some money by mining the alternatives, Dogecoin. After creating a Guide on I made a Guide for. The Problem with Litecoins and Quark Coins is that i want to mine the Most Profitable Altcoin. So is Most DogeCoin Profitable Altcoin? According to it keeps topping the list of Most Profitable coins for the last Month this may change as new coins come out as and others come out. But as of now Yes Dogecoin is the most Profitable AltCoin! If you have spare Radeon graphics cards lying around, and energy rates that aren’t stratospheric, mining a peer-to-peer digital currency known as (think of it as ) is within your grasp. Earlier this week I as a reference for miners new to the scene, but the following guide should get Windows users up to speed regardless of dedication level or investment level.
What is Dogecoin? Dogecoin is a peer-to-peer Internet currency that enables instant payments to anyone in the world. It is based on the Bitcoin protocol but differs from Bitcoin in that it can be efficiently mined with consumer-grade hardware. Dogecoins provides faster transaction confirmations (2.5 minutes on average) and uses a memory-hard, scrypt-based mining proof-of-work algorithm to target the regular computers and GPUs most people already have. The Dogecoin network is scheduled to produce 84 million currency units.
One of the aims of Dogecoin was to provide a mining algorithm that could run at the same time, on the same hardware used to mine bitcoins. With the rise of specialized ASICs for Bitcoin, Dogecoin continues to satisfy these goals.
It is unlikely for ASIC mining to be developed for Dogecoin until the currency is widely used. What is Mining? For those of you not familiar with the mining process, here’s a simple explanation of how it works: All cryptographic coin networks structure themselves around blocks, which contain hashes. A hash is an encrypted chunk of information that, when successfully solved, or decrypted, awar ds the cracker a number of coins – the exact amount varies by the type of cryptocurrency. The network registers coin ownership through the Blockchain, which records all transactions on the network. You can then trade these coins for other currencies or goods. On the downside, Bitcoin alternatives are not universally accepted at all exchanges, so mining an unpopular currency may simply waste your time and money.
Check out, if you want to get in to Alt-coin Trading. For those of you willing to take a risk, continue reading, at the end if you just want to start Earning $$ or Dogecoins Follow these Steps What Hardware do I need to Mine Dogecoin? You will need a ATI / AMD Video Card Generally you will want to spend $100 or more on it within the last 2 years, the Higher end Card you have the faster you will Mine Dogecoins on Windows.
If you know what video card you have you can see what sort of K/Hs per second you will get at the. Then you can figure out how much $$ you will earn at the If you don’t have a Good Graphics Card but still want to Mine Dogecoins Please try the, and you can still Mine for DogeCoins. You will just Mine much faster with a Graphics Card. Online Wallet– More Info –, Exchanges – ( my Personal Favorite) Main Pool: Backup Pool: How to mine Dogecoins 1.) Download Dogecoin wallet. Direct Link for: 2.) Install Dogecoin Wallet Then Click – Receive. Then Copy Address. 3.) Disable your Antivirus.
If you have Antivirus it will be pickup and auto removed before you can click on it to open, all Bitcoin Miner Software is Picked up as Virus. The Reason being is they are used by Botnet’s a lot to get Coins from Zombie Computers. Since you are bitcoin Mining you will need, Disable your Antivirus for like 15 minutes and add c: Dogecoin to your Exclude from Scan’s.
If you want to Verify it’s not a virus download the Zip Version of Simple Dogecoin GUI Miner or look at the, it was Built with. I also recommend if you are trying out software and are unsure if it’s save or not.
How to Exclude a Folder Depending on your Antivirus Software. ( Exclude Folder c: Dogecoin) If you have another AV, just search google “exclude a file or a folder from scan (name of Antivirus)” 4.) Download Dogecoin GUI Miner Dogecoin GUI Miner – 64bit & 32bit– Version 1.0 – Windows XP/Vista/7/8 /Server Edition all versions CPU Miner ->CPU Miner Folder ->32bit or 64bit ->Download GPU Miner ( Video Card ) – GPU Miner Folder ->Zip and MSI – MSI – Zip 5.) Install & Open Dogecoin GUI Miner It will Install to Folder c: Dogecoin if you change it make sure your change the Settings Tab to point to Minerd in the new folder.
6.)Test Dogecoin Miner Right Click, Paste Replace the current Address with your address you Copied in Step 2. Save and Start Process, and DOS Screen will popup saying CGminer Soon after CGminer.exe starts (1-5 min) it should show you a screen like this Verify it is Showing you a GPU and look at the Kh/s the Higher the more coins you will earn. Also verify it shows accepted if it does not show this they you will need to uninstall your reinstall you Video card Software with the ATI Drivers Below in order for this software to work. Go to Step 9.
At bottom if you have issues. 7.)Set to run when system is IDLE Right Click, Paste Replace the current Address with your address you Copied in Step 2. Save and Start Process, and Exit, it will run Process in background.
8.) Get Paid! Within 4-8 Hour you should start getting Dogecoins, you can. If you want to Stop the Process or Program. Go to c: Dogecoin setupD.exe and click End Process. Or open Task Manager Ctrl+Shift+Esc and close cgminer.exe and ProcesD.exe More Computers more Dogecoins! Tell your friends, How to mine dogecoins! You can do this same thing on as many computers as you want the more computers you install it on the more Dogecoins you will get.
If you enjoyed my Guide send me a Dogecoin or two, Now you know How to mine Dogecoins! Address: DBJMqinPqbQmQEtjN5tZ3kNkAyYUL9mj8e I also recommend you so you can mine while you are sleeping, also stop the. 9.) Optional – Fixing Issues with Miner Sort of a Pain but worth it to get your system Mining Dogecoins! If you have any programs during Step 6.) testing the Dogecoin Miner for some reason the software has issues with Some ATI Drivers to Fix follow the steps below.
1.) Uninstall ALL ATI Software, go to add/remove programs, Click Change the AMD Catalyst, Express Uninstall ALL AMD Software, after finished, Restart Computer 2.)Right click this link to, Then Save As ATI.Removal.bat 3.) Then Right click on downloaded Location and Run as A dministrator, type Y and Enter to anything that pop’s up. 4.) Download Works for Vista/7/or/8 for and XP/Vista/7/8 5.) Installed restart computer.
6.)Download and install then restart computer. 7.) Go back to Step 6, Open c: Dogecoin SetupC.exe If it still does not work your Video Card might not be supported I would go to and upgrade check out for which cards are good or try getting your feet wet. Now that you know How to mine Dogecoins, Please As any Questions I will be more than happy to try to answer them! First 50 People, to Post a Picture of there Mined Dogecoins with this Software.
I will send you some more Dogecoins as a Job Well done! Make sure to post where you want me to send Coins.
Other Great Sites to Checkout – Market Cap on Alt-coins, Which Alt-Currency is winning. – See Status of the Dogecoins you are mining. – if you want to get in to Alt-coin Trading. – Convert DogeCoin to USD – If you want to see what your Quarks are Worth in Dollars! If you want to Tip or Donation: All Tips & Donation goes towards improving the software! Copy Donate Address: Send Coins: Spread the word please give me a Like, Google +, Tweet or just leave a comment! Great Question!
Nvidia is a little Different than AMD, so you need a different miner program. Found this if you download it and put in the same Directory you should be able to Mine with the software a little trick because you will need to enter all those commands like cudaminer.exe -H 1 -i 0 -l auto -C 1 -o stratum+tcp://poolurl:port -O username.workername:workerpassword and point to the new download miner, give it a try let me know how you make out.
As far as the CPU / GPU thing no problems mining both my three computers at home are mining away DogeCoins on the GPU and Securecoins on the CPU, the Bigger the Fans the better the cooling the system will autoshut it self down if it get’s to hot they all have safely things baked into the Motherboard BIOS. Wow, Thanks that would be cool.I have done a little research as i was interested in why you mentioned to buy primecoins then Dogecoins. What I found do far is primecoin is valued more per coin $ 2.81 per pm and is mined a little differently. With cpu mining only and done buy digging clusters of prime numbers.
Please correct me if I am am wrong. So what I was interested in was is it easier to mine primecoin then convert to dogecoin. And if Dogecoin is rising in price rapidly is it viable. I am really new to this all and getting my head around hash rates, GUI vs CPU mining,rig set ups,heat maintenece fine tuning the settings,which pools to mine and why,etc etc. So I appreciate your reply and advice. I have subscribed here and if you want to give me a dogecoin address I would happily donate some doge to you.
What i recommend is really just to Mine Primecoins, then with those mined Primecoins trade them for DogeCoins, Dogecoins have raised in price a lot over the last couple of weeks, i’m not sure if it will keep going i think it will either stay at current price of drop but that is just a guess. With Mining and Altcoins/Bitcoin there is a lot i think the most important part is to start mining some sort of coin and then you can figure it all out after you have some coins in your wallet.I will work on a how to video for trading and update you when i release it. Thanks for the post the sync issue is you need to add more Nodes to your wallet, sometime installing latest verison of wallet also helps if it’s not already the latest version. After the Black Screen it should be going to the mining part so something is not right with the CGminer, most likely it’s the Video card driver, do you have 13.1 ATI catalyst installed? It might be a bit of a prob. If you also game since some games like the newest ATI driver, but that will not work with this mining software.
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- How Much Earn Dogecoin DOGE Mining How Much Earn Dogecoin DOGE Mining Average ratng: 8,7/10 7584reviews
CoinWarz Dogecoin mining calculator. Enter your mining rig's hash rate and the CoinWarz Dogecoin calculator will use the current difficulty and exchange rate to. Not sure if this is allowed but I'm curious how much you guys earn mining in a day. I run a CPU miner off my laptop and get about 50 Dogecoin. How much Dogecoin do you guys. This is, like, worth a year of mining doge to me.
Welcome fellow Shibes! is a curated list of all things Dogecoin, along with news and thoughts about Dogecoin and cryptocurrencies. From new Shibes looking to start out, to old Shib es looking to catch up on the latest Doge developments, let us be your starting portal to the world of Dogecoin. Such Portal, So Dogecoin, Much Wow.
-AlphaDoge & Admin Shibe Pssst.! Want $10 worth of Bitcoins for free?
By opening a new account at and buying at least $100 in Bitcoin That’s an AUTOMATIC 10% ROI and increase in your money regardless of what the market is doing. You just made $10 doing nothing! Came here looking for information on explaining how to get your paws on some fresh Doges!
You know you’re a good doge when Robin Hood himself picks you over other coins. That’s right, a new place to buy dogecoin and a possible competitor to called will be allowing free Bitcoin and Etherium purchases with fiat, and will trade Dogecoin out of 16 coins that it is listing. This could open up a whole new market and demographic to the crypto space, lending credibility to the investment and currency trading world!
They are also using a brilliant marketing technique. Using a to sign up, gives each person a free real-world Wall St. This could be APPL or something cheaper. It’s random, but at the least you will get one worth $5, but perhaps one worth $150- all for no cost to you.
In a sign of Bitcoin becoming more mainstream than ever, there is now a cryptocurrency based on the doge, dogge, or shibe meme called dogecoin or doge for short. Dogecoin: Which One is Really Worth More? By Tom McKay Jan. Very news: Much trade. Long live doge. Such success. Share: Share.
It’s worth the free foray into the stock just for that! If you need a referral code, feel free to. We all knew it was going to happen, after all the moon is our goal, but here it is: Dogecoin being launched into Space, via the AlbertaSat satellite being launched into orbit. From Nasa: “On April 18, 2017 Ex-Alta 1 blasted into space aboard the SS John Glen Cygnus spacecraft on top of the Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Florida. It made a quick stop aboard the International Space Station. Last Friday, May 26, 2017, Ex-Alta 1 was deployed into space from the ISS, taking Dogecoin with it!” The image was engraved on a microchip.
More info on this Reddit thread, and the site itself. What a world for a Doge to live in! Today we are so used to tangible, physical coins and paper notes it’s hard for a digital currency newcomer to wrap their head around “invisible magic internet money”.
The problem with virtual currency is just that- it’s virtual. You can’t hold it in your hand. No problem, we have people in the community to fill that need, meet Tony Pepperoni, CEO of The Shibe Mint and his physical Dogecoins. Tony and his noble crew have set about immortalizing the amazing Dogecoin with it’s own physical representation in a collectable coin. Oh, did I say coin? I meant coins.
Not just, not just, but now a serving as an incredible hat-trick of beautiful memorabilia to commemorate the birth of an exciting and exploding digital currency. The community definitely seems to have a need for these. Pictures of people’s coins pop up almost every day on /r/dogecoin. The Shibe Mint isn’t even alone in this. Users like /u/ozbloke and others work in everything from metal to 3d-printing technology to produce beautiful coins for the community. The coins from the Shibe Mint are spectacular, they come in limited edition and include a protective case, a letter of authenticity complete with holographic serial number, and a bonus Dogecoin wallet with few hundred “real” Dogecoin. The Copper coins were $10 Dollars U.S., and the silver coins were sold for $35.00.
The 24kt gold plated coins are being released for only $16.99. Of course, you can pay in Dogecoin. But who is this Tony Pepperoni?
I pictured a blacksmith striking a giant, glowing hot anvil in the forest-covered mountains. I had to get to the bottom of this. What is a Shibe Mint and how does it all work? Pepperoni was kind enough to take time from the furnace and answer a few questions: Dogedoor: When did you first hear about Dogecoin? Tony Pepperoni: In December, over the holidays, I decided to spend a few weeks learning everything that I could about cryptocurrency. I started mining, trading, investing, and discovered dogecoin and have been hooked ever since. DD: What got you interested in making coins?
TP: I’ve always been a fan of coins. I remember going to coin shows with my father when I was young, and there is something about holding a piece of history in your hand that I love about coins. The Shibe Mint was really just combining two hobbies that I like – coins, and digital currency. I knew that there was a market for physical bitcoins, and that people are passionate about dogecoin, so thought that it might work out – it has exceeded all of my expectations.
DD: What’s your profession, normally? TP: I work for a technology company, and have a background in engineering and business. DD: Where is this fabled “Shibe Mint?” TP: Our coins are manufactured in the USA, but our main office is in Canada, in Waterloo, Ontario.
DD: Why should someone buy a Shibe Mint Coin? TP: Quite simply: because you love Dogecoin. I carry a coin on me at all times, and use it as a prop, a conversation starter, when evangelizing about Dogecoin. When we released the first coin, and every subsequent release, it needs to pass the test of – if I wasn’t associated with the Shibe Mint would I want to buy this? I wouldn’t feel right releasing something that didn’t pass that test. DD: Will the coins be worth more in the future? TP: It’s interesting “creating a collectable”.
If doge continues on this track, with increased awareness and interest, the Shibe Mint will continue to create coins – and the first ones made will naturally appreciate in value. Many people who have one would likely not sell theirs right now. DD: Is there thoughts of a solid gold coin in the future? TP: We are in the development phase with a solid gold coin.It would have to be a smaller coin. To be completely honest, an ounce of gold is quite expensive, and even making 100 coins of 1oz is a significant upfront material cost. The trick for that one is going to be how many to make, even of the smaller coin. What Is Gulden NLG Cloud Mining here.
Thank you Tony for sitting down with us and sharing. If you haven’t ordered your coin yet, I highly recommend it. There’s just something about holding one of these in your hands that just feels good. They can be purchased for a limited time at Clickfor more info on the gold coin. Update: It’s funded! Race Highlights Look, I have to admit when the community began pushing towards it’s next mission I was a little skeptical.
After blowing through goal after goal of charitable cause, I thought it might be too soon to jump on another project. However, the Dogecoin community would hear none of this. User a great daily on the subject, which shows how the spirit of Dogecoin is really fun and playful, and how not everything has to be a charity or serious. We need to also play, and do goofy things.
After all, we’re supposed to be this silly coin right? We need to start actually doing silly stuff. And thus, is born. Many people thought “giving fatigue” was going to slow this down this drive but once again, Dogecoin proves it has deep and generous pockets. The money will be used to sponsor which has been looking for backers. He is sort of an underdoge, as you will, and doesn’t have the massive backing of his counterparts. He sure doesn’t drive like an underdog.
With this money, Dogecoin will actually in a design made by one of the community members for the popular Talladega race. Can you imagine what the announcers are going to say? As of this writing, the goal is nearing completion, at 60,048,333 of Ð67,500,000 funded. Virtual currency entrepreneur and creator of Moolah.Io, Alex Green mistakenly added an extra zero and.
Sorry, no reverse transactions, Sir! In an act of pure Dogecoin goodness he stood by his mistake and even challenged someone to match him at 10%, offering up a “hot pass” to the race. It seems unofficially someone may have done just this, as a major chunk of the goal evaporated and was funded just hours after that post.
Keep in mind- We have about 70 days left to the “deadline” for this goal. Sorry, I had to. It’s amazing and funny what this community can do.
Even as people mock and deny our very existence, we ignore and press on. Tipping people as we ride by on our moonrocket, created by the hard work of thousands of shibes, building an amazing infrastructure and community- it appears Dogecoin is rather unstoppable. The only question now is, what’s next for this phenomenon? Race Highlights. Update: KTV News Story Below Those familiar with the Dogecoin community already know it’s uncanny ability to fund charities accomplishing donation goals in record time. I guess sending the by helping fund a major portion of their goal wasn’t enough.
A week later, a charity pairing service dogs for autistic children, was funded so quickly people complained that they had gone to bed planning to donate in the morning, only to wake up finding the charity fully funded. How’s that for first world problems? Dogecoin foundation community member Eric Nakawaga came up with the idea for the community’s next charity focus, It’s goal is providing fresh water for those in need in Kenya, Africa by digging wells to help alleviate a treacherous daily walk for the local’s life-giving water.
Would this be Dogecoin’s ultimate charity challenge? It’s goal, 40 million Doge, is a big number. It’s actually in the neighborhood of $33,000. That’s a lot of cash. People began to worry if we might be exhausting the philanthropic members and ability of the community. That’s a very valid concern, we are only human, we can only give so much money before literally running out!
Who could expect us to continually break goal after goal? People began to suggest that we might reset our goal and move to the next charity. Perhaps instead of two wells, we could maybe build one well- a great accomplishment, and still a beautiful gesture. Then something amazing happened. Enter a mysterious user known as “” who began announcing his plan, tweeting: I’ve been watching the dogecoin community. They have pure intentions. I will extend a hand out to help.
The greedy will feed you. I will take what they will not give. It is astonishing that we have fellow humans on this planet without water. We have the wealth, but not the will. The greedy do nothing. He then gave approximately $11,000 worth of Dogecoin to Doges4water in the form of a. Tip 14000000 may we all drink water.
Let the wealthy fill your cup. — Hood (@savethemhood) In that single message, he topped off the remaining money needed to fulfill the 40 million Dogecoin goal. This might be the “most expensive tweet” ever sent. Again, Dogecoin shows its true colors as a power for micro and macro donations- where a community of those that have, find joy and ease in helping those that have not.
It’s important to remember it wasn’t just Hood who donated. Countless people from all walks of life also helped contribute: the high school student with only a few hundred Dogecoin, the investor with thousands giving back to the community, or just the every day person, touched by the spirit of giving and the joy of helping others.
All of these people came together with a single goal in mind- to give people the simple gift of fresh water- something that astonishingly doesn’t exist for some in this world. We have reached a new era. We are moving beyond the simple “ upvote” or “ like” of an internet post or comment. No longer are we virtual spectators while the world unfolds before us.
We now can put our money where our mouth is. Our “likes” now have the power of currency behind them. We are empowered to “like” a charity into being fully funded. We can now down-vote diseases, up-vote heroes in the community, and “like” what is good with the world while ctually contributing instead of merely spectating. Instead of an essentially meaningless virtual “ thumbs up“, we now wield the power to express our will with electronic money. Putting it where our mouth, our feelings- and our heart, are. –Alphadoge Updated News Story from Kenyan News.
Well, they’ve done it. In one simple stroke of the pen, on one fairly simple page of text, the United Kingdom has basically figured out how to adopt, tax and deal with cryptocurrencies. It was just that easy. The text of the basically outlining what the UK is going to do as far as taxes with the exploding businesses and business surrounding Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. One part reads: However, in all instances, VAT will be due in the normal way from suppliers of any goods or services sold in exchange for Bitcoin or other similar cryptocurrency. The value of the supply of goods or services on which VAT is due will be the sterling value of the cryptocurrency at the point the transaction takes place The solution is pretty much a “duh” for all of us that have already figured that one out. Essentially it’s saying: “At the time of the transaction, figure out what it’s the currency is worth against the Pound, and then charge that for taxes.” Pretty simple?
Can you send that draft over to the ‘States now? This has been one of the often cited critiques of cryptocurrency – the perceived volatility of the market. This may be temporary, as a particular currency finds its market value and then stabilizes, but let’s say that doesn’t happen and they remain volatile- the solutions for businesses and governments are pretty simple. I’ve already seen vendors who offer a “10 minute snapshot” of market prices in your checkout basket.
There’s also. Now that’s a great idea, although probably cost prohibitive for smaller purchases.
Most crypto-enthusiasts want to see their currencies completely de-coupled with Fiat currency, but I don’t think that’s realistic quite yet. Until then we have market snapshots and locally-based market conversions so that everyone can agree what the “price is”. Nothing is stopping you from trading your Doge, or other alt currency directly for goods and services! In fact, you should! For the newcomers, and later adopters of crypto currency, we need a safe way to make sure they understand the “value” of their purchases. Right now this is going to be related directly with their “normal” currencies. Hopefully, the future holds a world where this isn’t necessarily the case, and Crypto currency finds its own, unique value and price.
You know what they say, “1 Ðoge = 1 Ðoge” (clearly posted on the).
Intro Lately, I’ve been trying to earn some money by mining the alternatives, Dogecoin. After creating a Guide on I made a Guide for. The Problem with Litecoins and Quark Coins is that i want to mine the Most Profitable Altcoin. So is Most DogeCoin Profitable Altcoin? According to it keeps topping the list of Most Profitable coins for the last Month this may change as new coins come out as and others come out. But as of now Yes Dogecoin is the most Profitable AltCoin! If you have spare Radeon graphics cards lying around, and energy rates that aren’t stratospheric, mining a peer-to-peer digital currency known as (think of it as ) is within your grasp. Earlier this week I as a reference for miners new to the scene, but the following guide should get Windows users up to speed regardless of dedication level or investment level.
What is Dogecoin? Dogecoin is a peer-to-peer Internet currency that enables instant payments to anyone in the world. It is based on the Bitcoin protocol but differs from Bitcoin in that it can be efficiently mined with consumer-grade hardware. Dogecoins provides faster transaction confirmations (2.5 minutes on average) and uses a memory-hard, scrypt-based mining proof-of-work algorithm to target the regular computers and GPUs most people already have. The Dogecoin network is scheduled to produce 84 million currency units.
One of the aims of Dogecoin was to provide a mining algorithm that could run at the same time, on the same hardware used to mine bitcoins. With the rise of specialized ASICs for Bitcoin, Dogecoin continues to satisfy these goals.
It is unlikely for ASIC mining to be developed for Dogecoin until the currency is widely used. What is Mining? For those of you not familiar with the mining process, here’s a simple explanation of how it works: All cryptographic coin networks structure themselves around blocks, which contain hashes. A hash is an encrypted chunk of information that, when successfully solved, or decrypted, awar ds the cracker a number of coins – the exact amount varies by the type of cryptocurrency. The network registers coin ownership through the Blockchain, which records all transactions on the network. You can then trade these coins for other currencies or goods. On the downside, Bitcoin alternatives are not universally accepted at all exchanges, so mining an unpopular currency may simply waste your time and money.
Check out, if you want to get in to Alt-coin Trading. For those of you willing to take a risk, continue reading, at the end if you just want to start Earning $$ or Dogecoins Follow these Steps What Hardware do I need to Mine Dogecoin? You will need a ATI / AMD Video Card Generally you will want to spend $100 or more on it within the last 2 years, the Higher end Card you have the faster you will Mine Dogecoins on Windows.
If you know what video card you have you can see what sort of K/Hs per second you will get at the. Then you can figure out how much $$ you will earn at the If you don’t have a Good Graphics Card but still want to Mine Dogecoins Please try the, and you can still Mine for DogeCoins. You will just Mine much faster with a Graphics Card. Online Wallet– More Info –, Exchanges – ( my Personal Favorite) Main Pool: Backup Pool: How to mine Dogecoins 1.) Download Dogecoin wallet. Direct Link for: 2.) Install Dogecoin Wallet Then Click – Receive. Then Copy Address. 3.) Disable your Antivirus.
If you have Antivirus it will be pickup and auto removed before you can click on it to open, all Bitcoin Miner Software is Picked up as Virus. The Reason being is they are used by Botnet’s a lot to get Coins from Zombie Computers. Since you are bitcoin Mining you will need, Disable your Antivirus for like 15 minutes and add c: Dogecoin to your Exclude from Scan’s.
If you want to Verify it’s not a virus download the Zip Version of Simple Dogecoin GUI Miner or look at the, it was Built with. I also recommend if you are trying out software and are unsure if it’s save or not.
How to Exclude a Folder Depending on your Antivirus Software. ( Exclude Folder c: Dogecoin) If you have another AV, just search google “exclude a file or a folder from scan (name of Antivirus)” 4.) Download Dogecoin GUI Miner Dogecoin GUI Miner – 64bit & 32bit– Version 1.0 – Windows XP/Vista/7/8 /Server Edition all versions CPU Miner ->CPU Miner Folder ->32bit or 64bit ->Download GPU Miner ( Video Card ) – GPU Miner Folder ->Zip and MSI – MSI – Zip 5.) Install & Open Dogecoin GUI Miner It will Install to Folder c: Dogecoin if you change it make sure your change the Settings Tab to point to Minerd in the new folder.
6.)Test Dogecoin Miner Right Click, Paste Replace the current Address with your address you Copied in Step 2. Save and Start Process, and DOS Screen will popup saying CGminer Soon after CGminer.exe starts (1-5 min) it should show you a screen like this Verify it is Showing you a GPU and look at the Kh/s the Higher the more coins you will earn. Also verify it shows accepted if it does not show this they you will need to uninstall your reinstall you Video card Software with the ATI Drivers Below in order for this software to work. Go to Step 9.
At bottom if you have issues. 7.)Set to run when system is IDLE Right Click, Paste Replace the current Address with your address you Copied in Step 2. Save and Start Process, and Exit, it will run Process in background.
8.) Get Paid! Within 4-8 Hour you should start getting Dogecoins, you can. If you want to Stop the Process or Program. Go to c: Dogecoin setupD.exe and click End Process. Or open Task Manager Ctrl+Shift+Esc and close cgminer.exe and ProcesD.exe More Computers more Dogecoins! Tell your friends, How to mine dogecoins! You can do this same thing on as many computers as you want the more computers you install it on the more Dogecoins you will get.
If you enjoyed my Guide send me a Dogecoin or two, Now you know How to mine Dogecoins! Address: DBJMqinPqbQmQEtjN5tZ3kNkAyYUL9mj8e I also recommend you so you can mine while you are sleeping, also stop the. 9.) Optional – Fixing Issues with Miner Sort of a Pain but worth it to get your system Mining Dogecoins! If you have any programs during Step 6.) testing the Dogecoin Miner for some reason the software has issues with Some ATI Drivers to Fix follow the steps below.
1.) Uninstall ALL ATI Software, go to add/remove programs, Click Change the AMD Catalyst, Express Uninstall ALL AMD Software, after finished, Restart Computer 2.)Right click this link to, Then Save As ATI.Removal.bat 3.) Then Right click on downloaded Location and Run as A dministrator, type Y and Enter to anything that pop’s up. 4.) Download Works for Vista/7/or/8 for and XP/Vista/7/8 5.) Installed restart computer.
6.)Download and install then restart computer. 7.) Go back to Step 6, Open c: Dogecoin SetupC.exe If it still does not work your Video Card might not be supported I would go to and upgrade check out for which cards are good or try getting your feet wet. Now that you know How to mine Dogecoins, Please As any Questions I will be more than happy to try to answer them! First 50 People, to Post a Picture of there Mined Dogecoins with this Software.
I will send you some more Dogecoins as a Job Well done! Make sure to post where you want me to send Coins.
Other Great Sites to Checkout – Market Cap on Alt-coins, Which Alt-Currency is winning. – See Status of the Dogecoins you are mining. – if you want to get in to Alt-coin Trading. – Convert DogeCoin to USD – If you want to see what your Quarks are Worth in Dollars! If you want to Tip or Donation: All Tips & Donation goes towards improving the software! Copy Donate Address: Send Coins: Spread the word please give me a Like, Google +, Tweet or just leave a comment! Great Question!
Nvidia is a little Different than AMD, so you need a different miner program. Found this if you download it and put in the same Directory you should be able to Mine with the software a little trick because you will need to enter all those commands like cudaminer.exe -H 1 -i 0 -l auto -C 1 -o stratum+tcp://poolurl:port -O username.workername:workerpassword and point to the new download miner, give it a try let me know how you make out.
As far as the CPU / GPU thing no problems mining both my three computers at home are mining away DogeCoins on the GPU and Securecoins on the CPU, the Bigger the Fans the better the cooling the system will autoshut it self down if it get’s to hot they all have safely things baked into the Motherboard BIOS. Wow, Thanks that would be cool.I have done a little research as i was interested in why you mentioned to buy primecoins then Dogecoins. What I found do far is primecoin is valued more per coin $ 2.81 per pm and is mined a little differently. With cpu mining only and done buy digging clusters of prime numbers.
Please correct me if I am am wrong. So what I was interested in was is it easier to mine primecoin then convert to dogecoin. And if Dogecoin is rising in price rapidly is it viable. I am really new to this all and getting my head around hash rates, GUI vs CPU mining,rig set ups,heat maintenece fine tuning the settings,which pools to mine and why,etc etc. So I appreciate your reply and advice. I have subscribed here and if you want to give me a dogecoin address I would happily donate some doge to you.
What i recommend is really just to Mine Primecoins, then with those mined Primecoins trade them for DogeCoins, Dogecoins have raised in price a lot over the last couple of weeks, i’m not sure if it will keep going i think it will either stay at current price of drop but that is just a guess. With Mining and Altcoins/Bitcoin there is a lot i think the most important part is to start mining some sort of coin and then you can figure it all out after you have some coins in your wallet.I will work on a how to video for trading and update you when i release it. Thanks for the post the sync issue is you need to add more Nodes to your wallet, sometime installing latest verison of wallet also helps if it’s not already the latest version. After the Black Screen it should be going to the mining part so something is not right with the CGminer, most likely it’s the Video card driver, do you have 13.1 ATI catalyst installed? It might be a bit of a prob. If you also game since some games like the newest ATI driver, but that will not work with this mining software.
- How Much Earn Dogecoin DOGE Mining How Much Earn Dogecoin DOGE Mining Average ratng: 8,7/10 7584reviews
CoinWarz Dogecoin mining calculator. Enter your mining rig's hash rate and the CoinWarz Dogecoin calculator will use the current difficulty and exchange rate to. Not sure if this is allowed but I'm curious how much you guys earn mining in a day. I run a CPU miner off my laptop and get about 50 Dogecoin. How much Dogecoin do you guys. This is, like, worth a year of mining doge to me.
Welcome fellow Shibes! is a curated list of all things Dogecoin, along with news and thoughts about Dogecoin and cryptocurrencies. From new Shibes looking to start out, to old Shib es looking to catch up on the latest Doge developments, let us be your starting portal to the world of Dogecoin. Such Portal, So Dogecoin, Much Wow.
-AlphaDoge & Admin Shibe Pssst.! Want $10 worth of Bitcoins for free?
By opening a new account at and buying at least $100 in Bitcoin That’s an AUTOMATIC 10% ROI and increase in your money regardless of what the market is doing. You just made $10 doing nothing! Came here looking for information on explaining how to get your paws on some fresh Doges!
You know you’re a good doge when Robin Hood himself picks you over other coins. That’s right, a new place to buy dogecoin and a possible competitor to called will be allowing free Bitcoin and Etherium purchases with fiat, and will trade Dogecoin out of 16 coins that it is listing. This could open up a whole new market and demographic to the crypto space, lending credibility to the investment and currency trading world!
They are also using a brilliant marketing technique. Using a to sign up, gives each person a free real-world Wall St. This could be APPL or something cheaper. It’s random, but at the least you will get one worth $5, but perhaps one worth $150- all for no cost to you.
In a sign of Bitcoin becoming more mainstream than ever, there is now a cryptocurrency based on the doge, dogge, or shibe meme called dogecoin or doge for short. Dogecoin: Which One is Really Worth More? By Tom McKay Jan. Very news: Much trade. Long live doge. Such success. Share: Share.
It’s worth the free foray into the stock just for that! If you need a referral code, feel free to. We all knew it was going to happen, after all the moon is our goal, but here it is: Dogecoin being launched into Space, via the AlbertaSat satellite being launched into orbit. From Nasa: “On April 18, 2017 Ex-Alta 1 blasted into space aboard the SS John Glen Cygnus spacecraft on top of the Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Florida. It made a quick stop aboard the International Space Station. Last Friday, May 26, 2017, Ex-Alta 1 was deployed into space from the ISS, taking Dogecoin with it!” The image was engraved on a microchip.
More info on this Reddit thread, and the site itself. What a world for a Doge to live in! Today we are so used to tangible, physical coins and paper notes it’s hard for a digital currency newcomer to wrap their head around “invisible magic internet money”.
The problem with virtual currency is just that- it’s virtual. You can’t hold it in your hand. No problem, we have people in the community to fill that need, meet Tony Pepperoni, CEO of The Shibe Mint and his physical Dogecoins. Tony and his noble crew have set about immortalizing the amazing Dogecoin with it’s own physical representation in a collectable coin. Oh, did I say coin? I meant coins.
Not just, not just, but now a serving as an incredible hat-trick of beautiful memorabilia to commemorate the birth of an exciting and exploding digital currency. The community definitely seems to have a need for these. Pictures of people’s coins pop up almost every day on /r/dogecoin. The Shibe Mint isn’t even alone in this. Users like /u/ozbloke and others work in everything from metal to 3d-printing technology to produce beautiful coins for the community. The coins from the Shibe Mint are spectacular, they come in limited edition and include a protective case, a letter of authenticity complete with holographic serial number, and a bonus Dogecoin wallet with few hundred “real” Dogecoin. The Copper coins were $10 Dollars U.S., and the silver coins were sold for $35.00.
The 24kt gold plated coins are being released for only $16.99. Of course, you can pay in Dogecoin. But who is this Tony Pepperoni?
I pictured a blacksmith striking a giant, glowing hot anvil in the forest-covered mountains. I had to get to the bottom of this. What is a Shibe Mint and how does it all work? Pepperoni was kind enough to take time from the furnace and answer a few questions: Dogedoor: When did you first hear about Dogecoin? Tony Pepperoni: In December, over the holidays, I decided to spend a few weeks learning everything that I could about cryptocurrency. I started mining, trading, investing, and discovered dogecoin and have been hooked ever since. DD: What got you interested in making coins?
TP: I’ve always been a fan of coins. I remember going to coin shows with my father when I was young, and there is something about holding a piece of history in your hand that I love about coins. The Shibe Mint was really just combining two hobbies that I like – coins, and digital currency. I knew that there was a market for physical bitcoins, and that people are passionate about dogecoin, so thought that it might work out – it has exceeded all of my expectations.
DD: What’s your profession, normally? TP: I work for a technology company, and have a background in engineering and business. DD: Where is this fabled “Shibe Mint?” TP: Our coins are manufactured in the USA, but our main office is in Canada, in Waterloo, Ontario.
DD: Why should someone buy a Shibe Mint Coin? TP: Quite simply: because you love Dogecoin. I carry a coin on me at all times, and use it as a prop, a conversation starter, when evangelizing about Dogecoin. When we released the first coin, and every subsequent release, it needs to pass the test of – if I wasn’t associated with the Shibe Mint would I want to buy this? I wouldn’t feel right releasing something that didn’t pass that test. DD: Will the coins be worth more in the future? TP: It’s interesting “creating a collectable”.
If doge continues on this track, with increased awareness and interest, the Shibe Mint will continue to create coins – and the first ones made will naturally appreciate in value. Many people who have one would likely not sell theirs right now. DD: Is there thoughts of a solid gold coin in the future? TP: We are in the development phase with a solid gold coin.It would have to be a smaller coin. To be completely honest, an ounce of gold is quite expensive, and even making 100 coins of 1oz is a significant upfront material cost. The trick for that one is going to be how many to make, even of the smaller coin.
Thank you Tony for sitting down with us and sharing. If you haven’t ordered your coin yet, I highly recommend it. There’s just something about holding one of these in your hands that just feels good. They can be purchased for a limited time at Clickfor more info on the gold coin. Update: It’s funded! Race Highlights Look, I have to admit when the community began pushing towards it’s next mission I was a little skeptical.
After blowing through goal after goal of charitable cause, I thought it might be too soon to jump on another project. However, the Dogecoin community would hear none of this. User a great daily on the subject, which shows how the spirit of Dogecoin is really fun and playful, and how not everything has to be a charity or serious. We need to also play, and do goofy things.
After all, we’re supposed to be this silly coin right? We need to start actually doing silly stuff. And thus, is born. Many people thought “giving fatigue” was going to slow this down this drive but once again, Dogecoin proves it has deep and generous pockets. The money will be used to sponsor which has been looking for backers. He is sort of an underdoge, as you will, and doesn’t have the massive backing of his counterparts. He sure doesn’t drive like an underdog.
With this money, Dogecoin will actually in a design made by one of the community members for the popular Talladega race. Can you imagine what the announcers are going to say? As of this writing, the goal is nearing completion, at 60,048,333 of Ð67,500,000 funded. Virtual currency entrepreneur and creator of Moolah.Io, Alex Green mistakenly added an extra zero and.
Sorry, no reverse transactions, Sir! In an act of pure Dogecoin goodness he stood by his mistake and even challenged someone to match him at 10%, offering up a “hot pass” to the race. It seems unofficially someone may have done just this, as a major chunk of the goal evaporated and was funded just hours after that post.
Keep in mind- We have about 70 days left to the “deadline” for this goal. Sorry, I had to. It’s amazing and funny what this community can do.
Even as people mock and deny our very existence, we ignore and press on. Tipping people as we ride by on our moonrocket, created by the hard work of thousands of shibes, building an amazing infrastructure and community- it appears Dogecoin is rather unstoppable. The only question now is, what’s next for this phenomenon? Race Highlights. Update: KTV News Story Below Those familiar with the Dogecoin community already know it’s uncanny ability to fund charities accomplishing donation goals in record time. I guess sending the by helping fund a major portion of their goal wasn’t enough.
A week later, a charity pairing service dogs for autistic children, was funded so quickly people complained that they had gone to bed planning to donate in the morning, only to wake up finding the charity fully funded. How’s that for first world problems? Dogecoin foundation community member Eric Nakawaga came up with the idea for the community’s next charity focus, It’s goal is providing fresh water for those in need in Kenya, Africa by digging wells to help alleviate a treacherous daily walk for the local’s life-giving water.
Would this be Dogecoin’s ultimate charity challenge? It’s goal, 40 million Doge, is a big number. It’s actually in the neighborhood of $33,000. That’s a lot of cash. People began to worry if we might be exhausting the philanthropic members and ability of the community. That’s a very valid concern, we are only human, we can only give so much money before literally running out!
Who could expect us to continually break goal after goal? People began to suggest that we might reset our goal and move to the next charity. Perhaps instead of two wells, we could maybe build one well- a great accomplishment, and still a beautiful gesture. Then something amazing happened. Enter a mysterious user known as “” who began announcing his plan, tweeting: I’ve been watching the dogecoin community. They have pure intentions. I will extend a hand out to help.
The greedy will feed you. I will take what they will not give. It is astonishing that we have fellow humans on this planet without water. We have the wealth, but not the will. The greedy do nothing. He then gave approximately $11,000 worth of Dogecoin to Doges4water in the form of a. Tip 14000000 may we all drink water.
Let the wealthy fill your cup. — Hood (@savethemhood) In that single message, he topped off the remaining money needed to fulfill the 40 million Dogecoin goal. This might be the “most expensive tweet” ever sent. Again, Dogecoin shows its true colors as a power for micro and macro donations- where a community of those that have, find joy and ease in helping those that have not.
It’s important to remember it wasn’t just Hood who donated. Countless people from all walks of life also helped contribute: the high school student with only a few hundred Dogecoin, the investor with thousands giving back to the community, or just the every day person, touched by the spirit of giving and the joy of helping others.
All of these people came together with a single goal in mind- to give people the simple gift of fresh water- something that astonishingly doesn’t exist for some in this world. We have reached a new era. We are moving beyond the simple “ upvote” or “ like” of an internet post or comment. No longer are we virtual spectators while the world unfolds before us.
We now can put our money where our mouth is. Our “likes” now have the power of currency behind them. We are empowered to “like” a charity into being fully funded. We can now down-vote diseases, up-vote heroes in the community, and “like” what is good with the world while ctually contributing instead of merely spectating. Instead of an essentially meaningless virtual “ thumbs up“, we now wield the power to express our will with electronic money. Putting it where our mouth, our feelings- and our heart, are. –Alphadoge Updated News Story from Kenyan News.
Well, they’ve done it. In one simple stroke of the pen, on one fairly simple page of text, the United Kingdom has basically figured out how to adopt, tax and deal with cryptocurrencies. It was just that easy. The text of the basically outlining what the UK is going to do as far as taxes with the exploding businesses and business surrounding Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. One part reads: However, in all instances, VAT will be due in the normal way from suppliers of any goods or services sold in exchange for Bitcoin or other similar cryptocurrency. The value of the supply of goods or services on which VAT is due will be the sterling value of the cryptocurrency at the point the transaction takes place The solution is pretty much a “duh” for all of us that have already figured that one out. Essentially it’s saying: “At the time of the transaction, figure out what it’s the currency is worth against the Pound, and then charge that for taxes.” Pretty simple?
Can you send that draft over to the ‘States now? This has been one of the often cited critiques of cryptocurrency – the perceived volatility of the market. This may be temporary, as a particular currency finds its market value and then stabilizes, but let’s say that doesn’t happen and they remain volatile- the solutions for businesses and governments are pretty simple. I’ve already seen vendors who offer a “10 minute snapshot” of market prices in your checkout basket.
There’s also. Now that’s a great idea, although probably cost prohibitive for smaller purchases.
Most crypto-enthusiasts want to see their currencies completely de-coupled with Fiat currency, but I don’t think that’s realistic quite yet. Until then we have market snapshots and locally-based market conversions so that everyone can agree what the “price is”. Nothing is stopping you from trading your Doge, or other alt currency directly for goods and services! In fact, you should! For the newcomers, and later adopters of crypto currency, we need a safe way to make sure they understand the “value” of their purchases. Right now this is going to be related directly with their “normal” currencies. Hopefully, the future holds a world where this isn’t necessarily the case, and Crypto currency finds its own, unique value and price.
You know what they say, “1 Ðoge = 1 Ðoge” (clearly posted on the).
Intro Lately, I’ve been trying to earn some money by mining the alternatives, Dogecoin. After creating a Guide on I made a Guide for. The Problem with Litecoins and Quark Coins is that i want to mine the Most Profitable Altcoin. So is Most DogeCoin Profitable Altcoin? According to it keeps topping the list of Most Profitable coins for the last Month this may change as new coins come out as and others come out. But as of now Yes Dogecoin is the most Profitable AltCoin! If you have spare Radeon graphics cards lying around, and energy rates that aren’t stratospheric, mining a peer-to-peer digital currency known as (think of it as ) is within your grasp. Earlier this week I as a reference for miners new to the scene, but the following guide should get Windows users up to speed regardless of dedication level or investment level.
What is Dogecoin? Dogecoin is a peer-to-peer Internet currency that enables instant payments to anyone in the world. It is based on the Bitcoin protocol but differs from Bitcoin in that it can be efficiently mined with consumer-grade hardware. Dogecoins provides faster transaction confirmations (2.5 minutes on average) and uses a memory-hard, scrypt-based mining proof-of-work algorithm to target the regular computers and GPUs most people already have. The Dogecoin network is scheduled to produce 84 million currency units.
One of the aims of Dogecoin was to provide a mining algorithm that could run at the same time, on the same hardware used to mine bitcoins. With the rise of specialized ASICs for Bitcoin, Dogecoin continues to satisfy these goals.
It is unlikely for ASIC mining to be developed for Dogecoin until the currency is widely used. What is Mining? For those of you not familiar with the mining process, here’s a simple explanation of how it works: All cryptographic coin networks structure themselves around blocks, which contain hashes. A hash is an encrypted chunk of information that, when successfully solved, or decrypted, awar ds the cracker a number of coins – the exact amount varies by the type of cryptocurrency. The network registers coin ownership through the Blockchain, which records all transactions on the network. You can then trade these coins for other currencies or goods. On the downside, Bitcoin alternatives are not universally accepted at all exchanges, so mining an unpopular currency may simply waste your time and money.
Check out, if you want to get in to Alt-coin Trading. For those of you willing to take a risk, continue reading, at the end if you just want to start Earning $$ or Dogecoins Follow these Steps What Hardware do I need to Mine Dogecoin? You will need a ATI / AMD Video Card Generally you will want to spend $100 or more on it within the last 2 years, the Higher end Card you have the faster you will Mine Dogecoins on Windows.
If you know what video card you have you can see what sort of K/Hs per second you will get at the. Then you can figure out how much $$ you will earn at the If you don’t have a Good Graphics Card but still want to Mine Dogecoins Please try the, and you can still Mine for DogeCoins. You will just Mine much faster with a Graphics Card. Online Wallet– More Info –, Exchanges – ( my Personal Favorite) Main Pool: Backup Pool: How to mine Dogecoins 1.) Download Dogecoin wallet. Direct Link for: 2.) Install Dogecoin Wallet Then Click – Receive. Then Copy Address. 3.) Disable your Antivirus.
If you have Antivirus it will be pickup and auto removed before you can click on it to open, all Bitcoin Miner Software is Picked up as Virus. The Reason being is they are used by Botnet’s a lot to get Coins from Zombie Computers. Since you are bitcoin Mining you will need, Disable your Antivirus for like 15 minutes and add c: Dogecoin to your Exclude from Scan’s.
If you want to Verify it’s not a virus download the Zip Version of Simple Dogecoin GUI Miner or look at the, it was Built with. I also recommend if you are trying out software and are unsure if it’s save or not.
How to Exclude a Folder Depending on your Antivirus Software. ( Exclude Folder c: Dogecoin) If you have another AV, just search google “exclude a file or a folder from scan (name of Antivirus)” 4.) Download Dogecoin GUI Miner Dogecoin GUI Miner – 64bit & 32bit– Version 1.0 – Windows XP/Vista/7/8 /Server Edition all versions CPU Miner ->CPU Miner Folder ->32bit or 64bit ->Download GPU Miner ( Video Card ) – GPU Miner Folder ->Zip and MSI – MSI – Zip 5.) Install & Open Dogecoin GUI Miner It will Install to Folder c: Dogecoin if you change it make sure your change the Settings Tab to point to Minerd in the new folder.
6.)Test Dogecoin Miner Right Click, Paste Replace the current Address with your address you Copied in Step 2. Save and Start Process, and DOS Screen will popup saying CGminer Soon after CGminer.exe starts (1-5 min) it should show you a screen like this Verify it is Showing you a GPU and look at the Kh/s the Higher the more coins you will earn. Also verify it shows accepted if it does not show this they you will need to uninstall your reinstall you Video card Software with the ATI Drivers Below in order for this software to work. Go to Step 9.
At bottom if you have issues. 7.)Set to run when system is IDLE Right Click, Paste Replace the current Address with your address you Copied in Step 2. Save and Start Process, and Exit, it will run Process in background.
8.) Get Paid! Within 4-8 Hour you should start getting Dogecoins, you can. If you want to Stop the Process or Program. Go to c: Dogecoin setupD.exe and click End Process. Or open Task Manager Ctrl+Shift+Esc and close cgminer.exe and ProcesD.exe More Computers more Dogecoins! Tell your friends, How to mine dogecoins! You can do this same thing on as many computers as you want the more computers you install it on the more Dogecoins you will get.
If you enjoyed my Guide send me a Dogecoin or two, Now you know How to mine Dogecoins! Address: DBJMqinPqbQmQEtjN5tZ3kNkAyYUL9mj8e I also recommend you so you can mine while you are sleeping, also stop the. 9.) Optional – Fixing Issues with Miner Sort of a Pain but worth it to get your system Mining Dogecoins! If you have any programs during Step 6.) testing the Dogecoin Miner for some reason the software has issues with Some ATI Drivers to Fix follow the steps below.
1.) Uninstall ALL ATI Software, go to add/remove programs, Click Change the AMD Catalyst, Express Uninstall ALL AMD Software, after finished, Restart Computer 2.)Right click this link to, Then Save As ATI.Removal.bat 3.) Then Right click on downloaded Location and Run as A dministrator, type Y and Enter to anything that pop’s up. 4.) Download Works for Vista/7/or/8 for and XP/Vista/7/8 5.) Installed restart computer.
6.)Download and install then restart computer. 7.) Go back to Step 6, Open c: Dogecoin SetupC.exe If it still does not work your Video Card might not be supported I would go to and upgrade check out for which cards are good or try getting your feet wet. Now that you know How to mine Dogecoins, Please As any Questions I will be more than happy to try to answer them! First 50 People, to Post a Picture of there Mined Dogecoins with this Software.
I will send you some more Dogecoins as a Job Well done! Make sure to post where you want me to send Coins.
Other Great Sites to Checkout – Market Cap on Alt-coins, Which Alt-Currency is winning. – See Status of the Dogecoins you are mining. – if you want to get in to Alt-coin Trading. – Convert DogeCoin to USD – If you want to see what your Quarks are Worth in Dollars! If you want to Tip or Donation: All Tips & Donation goes towards improving the software! Copy Donate Address: Send Coins: Spread the word please give me a Like, Google +, Tweet or just leave a comment! Great Question!
Nvidia is a little Different than AMD, so you need a different miner program. Found this if you download it and put in the same Directory you should be able to Mine with the software a little trick because you will need to enter all those commands like cudaminer.exe -H 1 -i 0 -l auto -C 1 -o stratum+tcp://poolurl:port -O username.workername:workerpassword and point to the new download miner, give it a try let me know how you make out.
As far as the CPU / GPU thing no problems mining both my three computers at home are mining away DogeCoins on the GPU and Securecoins on the CPU, the Bigger the Fans the better the cooling the system will autoshut it self down if it get’s to hot they all have safely things baked into the Motherboard BIOS. Wow, Thanks that would be cool.I have done a little research as i was interested in why you mentioned to buy primecoins then Dogecoins. What I found do far is primecoin is valued more per coin $ 2.81 per pm and is mined a little differently. With cpu mining only and done buy digging clusters of prime numbers.
Please correct me if I am am wrong. So what I was interested in was is it easier to mine primecoin then convert to dogecoin. And if Dogecoin is rising in price rapidly is it viable. I am really new to this all and getting my head around hash rates, GUI vs CPU mining,rig set ups,heat maintenece fine tuning the settings,which pools to mine and why,etc etc. So I appreciate your reply and advice. I have subscribed here and if you want to give me a dogecoin address I would happily donate some doge to you.
What i recommend is really just to Mine Primecoins, then with those mined Primecoins trade them for DogeCoins, Dogecoins have raised in price a lot over the last couple of weeks, i’m not sure if it will keep going i think it will either stay at current price of drop but that is just a guess. With Mining and Altcoins/Bitcoin there is a lot i think the most important part is to start mining some sort of coin and then you can figure it all out after you have some coins in your wallet.I will work on a how to video for trading and update you when i release it. Thanks for the post the sync issue is you need to add more Nodes to your wallet, sometime installing latest verison of wallet also helps if it’s not already the latest version. After the Black Screen it should be going to the mining part so something is not right with the CGminer, most likely it’s the Video card driver, do you have 13.1 ATI catalyst installed? It might be a bit of a prob. If you also game since some games like the newest ATI driver, but that will not work with this mining software.